• Tile Ideas

Colour Tiles – Getting It Right With White Tiles

July 1, 2012 Colour Tiles – Getting It Right With White Tiles

Thinking of decorating with white tiles? “Yes!” You may excitedly exclaim with visions of your pristine Victorian dining room in mind. You also may be among the few who expect choosing white as a décor colour to be simple. However, when it comes to interior decorating, nothing is ever simple and never, ever is there only “one” type of anything.

In short, “white” is like all other colours, meaning that it in fact includes a wide range of hues, tones and textures from soft and cozy to bright and clean. White bathroom tiles are usually preferred because they facilitate finding and eliminating stains. White also adds the illusion of space. So, what should you know to get it right when using “white” for your floor tiles and walls?

What The Professionals Say

There are several types of white. Those labeled “creamy” or “warm” whites soften your décor, adding warmth. There are also those called “tinted whites” which have a dash of colour added. Generally, it is best to choose a white that is tinted with the main colour of your room. A third variety is “pure white.” They are said to be bright, clean and add zing. If your room gets lots of natural light, this may be the choice for you.

Amongst these main headings of “warm”, “tinted” and “pure” there are smaller categories such as off-whites, formal whites and antique whites. As with any endeavor, however, a word of caution is in order.

White Can Absorb Other Colours

What does that mean? Well, if your walls are white but you have a huge oak tree outside the window, your walls could appear greenish due to the light reflecting from the tree or even the lawn outside. If your next door neighbor has decided to paint his house bright blue, you may find that your pristine white walls now have a hint of blue.

In short, test and try various hues before you start laying your tiles. Check the effect of the lighting and surroundings on your proposed shade of white. Remember to ask the experts at Tile Factory Outlet for any helpful hints.  We have the knowledge and the know how to help you, along with stocking over 350,000 m2 of floor tiles, wall tiles, bathroom tiles, travertine and much more. If you do so, you will get your white right!